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May 30, 2009

Examine your policy documents.Make sure that everything you need including is included in your pet insurance policy. Inclusions in a standard policy can vary considerably between insurers.

Try and get a discount.
If you have more than one pet of one type i.e. cat or dog, then get them insured together and you may make a saving of 10% or more. You won't be able to insure both a cat and a dog on the same policy.

Think of the future.
If your pet develops a chronic condition you won't be able to make a claim once your insurance year has run out. The only way to avoid this scenario of having a pet with a 'pre-existing condition' is to get 'Cover for life' pet insurance, which as long as you stay with the same insurer, means your pet's condition will be covered for the duration of its life.

Age matters.

If your cat or dog is aged 8 or over you will have trouble getting pet insurance. Some, but not many insurers offer senior pet insurance. If you would like your pet to be covered for life, we recommend you arrange pet insurance at least 6 months before your pet's 8 th birthday, because once your pet is insured then you can carry on for the rest of your pet's life, regardless of age.

Some pets cost more than others.
If you have a select breed dog you will have to pay an extra supplement. This is because some breeds are more prone to injury and illness than others. See our Frequently Asked Questions for more details.

Remember the excess.
Every time you make a claim you will have to pay an excess fee, but this is a low payment usually set at between £35 and £50. To lower your premiums, you can normally agree a higher voluntary excess.

Forget the no claims.
There is no such thing as a no claims discount in pet insurance. It doesn't matter how many claims you make in one year, you will only need to help with the payments if you exceed your maximum insured allowance for the year.

Make travelling with your pet easy.
If you travel regularly with your pet then pet travel insurance is highly recommended. It means that you are covered for a wide range of eventualities just as you are in the UK.

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The absence of dogs from the agricultural statistics of almost every dog or cat eating nation tends to confirm that they are eaten not primarily for food value, but rather as a vice, believed to enhance sexual attraction and potency. Some of the Asian nations in which dogs and cats are eaten are descended from some of the first civilizations to keep written records. Statistics on grain production and animal husbandry in many ancient Asian empires are still accessible to scholars who can read the scripts.

Yet quantifying dog consumption, either historically or today, remains more mysterious than estimating the numbers of children born out of wedlock, the truth of which is emerging through genetic research that seeks to trace the descendants of Genghis Khan and other legendary rulers. animal advocates in all parts of Asia confirmed from direct knowledge that dogs are consumed in relatively small numbers by ethnic minorities, and are eaten in large numbers in parts of China and in North and South Korea. Few, however, could estimate how many dogs are consumed.
Those who are trying to develop numbers are mostly still in the early stages of collecting data. The importance of becoming able to quantify dog eating goes beyond just estimating the extent of it. As petkeeping becomes more popular relative to eating dogs , and the pet supply industry becomes more prosperous and infuential within Asian national economies, petkeepers might be mobilized to influence poiticians to finally halt dog eating.
Accurately assessing the economic strength of the dog meat industry is critical, however --and it is especially important to discourage pet food manufacturers from perceiving dog meat producers as a potential growth market, to be encouraged as some American pet food producers have encouraged puppy mills, in an alliance that has often obstructed humane legislation.
Vice is distinguished from other commerce by occurring out of sight of most of the public, in neighborhoods rarely frequented by decent people. Official records on vice are not kept by the agencies that normally track commerce because to keep records would be to admit the existence of a traffic of which many citizens disapprove. There are ways, nonetheless, to document the extent of vices.

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May 29, 2009

Dog fur market

A comprehensive EU-wide ban on trade in cat and dog fur was approved by the European Parliament Committee on Internal Market and Consumer Protection on April 12. The committee scrapped a proposed exception that would allow trade in fur from cats and dogs “not bred or killed for fur production,” the parliament’s news service reported.
As Committee Chairwoman Arlene McCarthy of the United Kingdom said, “We want a ban, not a restriction.” In December 2003, the European Parliament called on the European Commission to draft a regulation banning the import, export, sale and production of cat and dog fur and skins.

Three years later – after a public outcry over evidence that cat and dog fur products were still entering the EU, despite a voluntary code of conduct adopted by European fur traders – the Parliament got its wish.
“The placing on the market and the import to or export from the Community of fur of cats and dogs and products containing such fur shall be prohibited”, stipulates Article 1 of the draft regulation proposed by the Commission. The Committee backed the thrust of this article by a large majority, with just a minor adjustment of the wording.
What they did not back, however, was the Commission’s proposed exception from the ban. As drafted, this exception would open up the possibility for the placing of cat and dog fur on the EU market provided that the fur (or products containing it) would be (a) “labelled as originating from cats or dogs that have not been bred or killed for fur production”, or (b) constitute “personal or household effects” introduced into, or exported from, the Community.
Rapporteur Eva-Britt Svensson of Sweden was adamant about doing away with the exception. If it stayed, it “would provide a gaping loophole, which would be ruthlessly exploited by traders of all future consignments of cat and dog fur, thus rendering the entire regulation useless,” she said. “I have not yet heard any serious arguments for exceptions or derogations,” Svensson said.
She said the background to the ban was reports about cruelty in the production of such furs and a strong public reaction with hundreds of thousands of people signing petitions to end the practice.
She characterised the practice as “cruel and extremely sickening,” and said the killing methods of many cat and dog slaughter houses involved prolonged suffering by strangulation with animals often being skinned while still alive. The fur is then used in toys, shoes and clothing without any labelling.
“There is no justification for the repulsive treatment of cats and dogs,” Svensson said. “This industry is built on torturing animals and such furs can be replaced by other materials. The wearing of animal fur for mere aesthetic purposes is disgusting. I therefore want to see the ban on cat and dog fur as a first step towards additional measures against the trading in other skins and furs, for example for seal skins.”
MEP Simon Coveney of Ireland said, “In excess of two million cats and dogs are slaughtered in China each year. The animals are kept in extremely cruel conditions before being skinned alive or being stabbed or strangled solely for their fur. The fur is often dyed and is fraudulently labelled to trick the consumer into believing it is faux fur or even mink.

Wild dog

The wild dog weighs between 17 - 36 kg (37 - 79 lb). It is generally found in plains and open woodland, although it has been found in a variety of other habitats from the Sahara Desert up into the lower forests of Mt. Kilimanjaro. Most prey species weigh between 20 - 90 kg (44 - 200 lb), but aanimals as small as cane rats and as large as greater kudu have been reported in the diet.

The dominant prey species varies according tothe most abundant prey species in the area. Dominant prey species in various areas include Thomson's gazelle,wildebeest, impala, duiker and reedbuck.

For most of the year, wild dogs roam around over the plains and in the bush, usually not staying in the same place for more than a day. Hunts take place in the morning and early evening. Prey is apparently located by sight, approached silently, and then pursued at speeds of up to 66 km/hr (41 mph) for up to one hour.Pack members generally cooperate in huntinglargemammals, but individuals sometimes pursue hares, rodents, or other small animals. The daytime is spent sleeping, usually in the shade of a tree or near water, with members of the pack lying very close together. Once a year the pack occupies a den for 2 - 3 months,to bear young. The den is usually an abandoned aardvark hole.

Wild dogs are social, communally hunting carnivores, which live in small cohesive packs typically
composed of a dominant breeding pair, a number of non-breeding adults, and their dependent offspring. Within the wild dog pack all the males are related to each other, and all of the females to each otherbut not to the males. Females migrate into the pack, whereas males usually stay with their natal pack.Only the highest-ranking male and female normally breed, and they inhibit reproduction by subordinates.Pack size ranges from 2 - 43, with the average number usually between 8 - 11.

The wild dog was formerly found over almost all of Africa, including parts of the Sahara.
It was probably once found in every habitat except rain forest and some desert areas. However,
there has been a major decline in numbers in historical times, although it still occurs over much
of its original range. Most are in southern and eastern Africa; only small remnant populations remainin West and central Africa. Remaining populations are fragmented and concentrated in protected areas.The major causes of decline have been its mostly undeserved reputation as an indiscriminate killer of game and livestock, which has led to severe persecution, and the loss of its habitat as human populations have expanded.

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May 28, 2009

They say every dog has its day, but this one has had more than most: Chanel, a dachshund mix, is going to be celebrating her 21st birthday (that’s 120 in human years, according to Chanel’s veterinarian). And though she wears “doggles” for cataracts and gets cold easily, there’s life in the old dog yet.

The birthday girl, looking sporty in a pink sweater and the trademark red goggles she wears because of her cataracts, visited the TODAY show set in New York Wednesday with her owner, Denice Shaughnessy.

“She’s doing fine,” Shaughnessy said of Chanel. “The vet says he’s never seen a dog her age do so much.”

Actually, he’s probably never seen a dog her age period, at least not one whose age has been certified as the oldest living pooch on the planet by Guinness World Records.

article by Mike Celizic

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May 23, 2009

cloning pudel dog

pudel very popular dog because a dog can stand the withdrawal a man. That funny and make the celebrities and the like, interesting, but in the Korean dog cloning in this pudel and successful, once the Koreans, the Korean people when I make cloning human .. hehhe .... what can? do not have legal creatures have to live it?haha....
dog pudel also be used for the attraction, because this type of dog is very frisky, fun if you have your own home, may be living at home, a thick make it a beautiful dog


May 22, 2009

Country of Origin: Germany
Size: Shoulder height: 25-30 cm (9.75 - 11.75 inches).
Coat: Coarse, growing in swirls. Can be brown or grey, but is generally black.
Character: Affenpinschers are intelligent, friendly, loyal, alert, and lively.
Temperament: Affenpinschers get along fine with children, other Affenpinschers,
and other types of household pets. They may be alarmed by unknown visitors.
Care: Hair should never be clipped, as it ruins the coat. Coat may need to be
plucked periodically by a professional dog trimmer.
Training: Training must be consistent. This dog learns commands fairly quickly.
Activity: This breed needs quick, short walks at least three times a day.
Regular playtime keeps Affenpinschers happy. Dog origin Europe must often invited roads,
happy dog who play regularly this is very funny because the thick fur


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